Weberlife Instafeed

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's a BOY!

I have given up trying to be right about anything at this point.  Doug NEVER faltered from his BOY bet and it turns out: he is right again!  The ultrasound tech said that there is no doubt, and well, even to the untrained eye, that is definitely a boy!  Yesterday I went with my sister to buy my first baby clothes.  I brought home a onesie that says: "handsome like daddy" and wrapped it up and gave it to Doug.  It is official, with a few more months of growing and a whole lot of luck we will have a son!


Chelsea said...

SO exciting! Love the updates, and the ultrasound pics. But how about a pic of you Mrs. Preggers?? I bet you don't even show yet. So fun! Congrats you two!

Janae said...

Yeay Yeay!! Boys are the best! :) Congratulations!! :) :)