Weberlife Instafeed

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grooveshark and sharing a playlist with your spouse

Doug is an expert at finding, using and getting others to use new technology.  He HATES itunes. HATES. It is somewhat unnatural how much, but in his defense: he found something MUCH better.>Grooveshark. It allows us to play music from our computers, phones(for the gym or car) pretty much anywhere you can get the internet without having to move music from one device to another(SO ANNOYING) and there is no limit(iTunes limits your devices to 3 or 4)  ANYWAY, we both use it a ton and the other day I was listening to our favorites list(see above) and it kind of made me laugh.  I hadn't listened to that particular list in quite some time when "Waking Up In Vegas" came on.  I immediately paused it and yelled up to Doug: "Katy Perry hugh" to which he responded:" I didn't add that"  After a long and drawn out discussion about WHO added the song we still haven't figured out who did, but it remains :)

A lot of the songs have been posted to this blog already, not surprisingly, but you can listen to our favorites list if you are interested(or if you like Katy Perry)

All the Love in the World

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