Weberlife Instafeed

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So many happenings, so little time!

This summer has been quite a fun and action packed one!
Whereas last summer we were out of the country, this year
we stayed close to home--and boy a lot has happened!

We got a new "nephew" Hennessy(Henny or Henny Penny for short)

You may notice in the background Cleo is waiting to eat him--He is the sweetest,
most cuddly, WIMPY little puppy you will ever meet! I am so happy to have another
doggie in our family(Cleo, however, the jury is still out on her thoughts beyond--
"get that little ankle biter away from me or I will eat him")

Further proof that Les is ready to be a Dog owner(she is getting angry right now--I can tell)
In other sibling news: Tom and Les bought a house!
I'll let them share the details and pics but this
Realtor sis was so happy to be able to help(and happy
it worked out so well!)

They stayed with us for a few days while their hardwood floors were installed--
when this was taken they said "DON"T post this on facebook" Promise kept!

Doug's Grandma & Grandpa Hawkins celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary(complete with a party that was so fun!)

Last but not least we took an AMAZING trip with the Bench Family to Alaska!
Thanks Mom & Dad!

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