Weberlife Instafeed

Sunday, January 25, 2009

laughed my guts out

All I can say is that I haven't laughed as hard as I did when I saw this movie in-YEARS!
This was the perfect end to a always hectic holiday season. We LOVE seeing all of our family but it does take some recovery time(for everyone involved I am sure) to recover after the holidays.
The funniest part about this movie is that Doug and I have had MANY of the same experiences and conversations as the couple in the movie.
Even though this is a "holiday movie" I would still recommend it anytime


Janelle said...

It's on my list of movies to see! Somewhere I read that it's a little weird to see Vince and Reese together -- that they aren't a great match. But other than that, I've only heard great things about it.

Tennant Family said...

We saw it before Thanksgiving and LOVED it...So, it's also a great way to PREPARE for the Holidays. Just so you know for next year!